What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive?
My typical day looks like, 50-100 emails, meetings with staff, 1-2 zoom meeting with tasks and/or boards im on, and pilates
What goal did you set yourself for 2021?
To work more on my business than in it. We are in the process of hiring a GM and a sales director so that I can work more on business development.
How do you bring ideas to life?
I have an awesome business partner and a team of great people who help us launch ideas. We meet, we dissect and then execute
What’s one trend that excites you?
Just so very excited for people getting back to having their special events; whether it’s a wedding or a celebration of life : Life Still Happens; celebrate it!
What advice would you give your younger self?
Give yourself more grace, you won’t have all the answers right away. Stay true to who you are!
What is the one thing you do over and over, and recommend everyone else do?
Express gratitude. It changes your day and others as well.
What is one strategy that has helped you grow yourself/your business/career? Please explain how.
Being authentic. Listening to people and treating them like a friend , in the end we are all human.
What is one failure/challenge you had (personal or professional), and how did you overcome it?
We have had a lot offset back or failures in our 32 year career. Perseverance and resilience and ability to reinvent.
What is one (content) idea that you’re willing to give away to our audience? (this should be an actual idea for content, not advice)
Constantly stay ahead of your audience. Get with it when it comes to social media and SEO.
What is the best $100 you recently spent? What and why? (personal or professional)
Helping my son and his fiance buy something for their (coming soon) son!
What is one piece of software, app or a web service that helps you be productive? How do you use it?
We just signed up with Next Level Business solutions, they are consolidating all of our social presence and optimizing our reach.
What is the one book that you recommend our audience should read and why?
Get a Grip. It is a great simplified entrepreneurial book that really resonates with me.
What is your favorite quote?
Lead with Love not Hate. Because at the end of this life why would i want to have been filled with hate.
What people have most influenced your life and why?
My Aunt, My grandmother and Maryellen McNally. They were strong, passionate, giving people who I have tried to emulate.
What made you choose the path you are currently on?
I think Hospitality chose me. I thought I wanted to be a lawyer! I fell in love with being a part of people’s most important days!
What local businesses would you recommend our readers support?
Bread and Butter Market; two amazing women building a beautiful brand.
What local nonprofit would you recommend our readers support?
Care & Share. So many reasons. Helping level the food inequities in this region for years.
What is the biggest challenge you have ever faced?
Being a mom.
What is your most memorable childhood experience? This can be good or bad.
My grandma. Everything about her was magic.
Who is your biggest inspiration?
My mom, she overcame so many things and passed the bar exam at the age of 50 and is still practicing law at 75.
What is your self-love routine?
100 % netflix and reading.
What affirmations do you say to yourself?
You are good enough. Just put one foot in front of the other.
If you had a superpower what would it be?
To sprinkle happiness and peace on the world.
Where do you get your fashion inspiration from?
I need some fashion inspirations!
If you could choose only 3 items to take with you which ones would you choose?
My son
My grandma
My mom
Which are your favorite 5 spots in Colorado?
Estes Park
Downtown Denver
Old Colorado City
Which is the next destination on your wishlist?
Spain and or Portugal.
What is the next exciting project in the pipeline for you?
Hiring a team to replace me