Rachel is a former collegiate and professional basketball player, Division 1 college basketball coach, and current business owner, women’s basketball media analyst.
What makes you stand out from the crowd? This can be a talent, life-experience, unique hobby.
I have had a vast amount of experience in the collegiate and women’s basketball realm as a player and coach. My passion and love for the game of basketball has transcended many different positions and lenses of the game, which even turned into a chance to start my own international recruiting service aimed at connecting international basketball to the states. Outside of basketball, I have fallen in love with the experience of traveling all over the world, learning new cultures and perspectives of the world which I love bringing home to Colorado. I recently started a new Etsy business aimed at bringing families and friends together around themed movie nights, a nice change of pace from the constant sports world I find myself in.
What is one experience that has shaped you to be the person you are today, and what advice would you give your younger self?
The unexpected loss of my mother a week into my freshman year of college. This heartbreaking experience was my greatest fear, and shaped my entire view of the world in terms of living life to the fullest, loving to the fullest and experiencing to the fullest. I left a good, steady and consistent job to chase a dream of living in my favorite state, starting my own business and living a certain level of freedom I am unbelievably grateful for. My biggest piece of advice would be to be present and never underestimate the power you hold in your heart, life is short so be sure to take those risks at stay true to you, always.
What is your most memorable childhood experience? (This can be good or bad)
I once got to say hi to the great Michael Jordon. My dad took me to a golf outing he was playing in in Chicago and I wore my Bulls jersey, shorts, J’s shoes and even sweatband. He said hi to me as he drove away on his golf cart. He was such an influential person in my career and it is a little moment for him that just meant the entire world to me.
What is the biggest challenge you have ever faced and how did you overcome it?
I have struggled with a great deal of self-doubt over the years. I wasn’t good enough to play, I wasn’t good enough to coach, I wasn’t good enough to start my own business. I realized those were lies and constantly align myself with people who build me up and focus on the powers of positive thinking. Our mind can sometimes be our biggest obstacle so I try to master that every day.
What is the best $100 you recently spent? On what and why? (personal or professional)
I spent an extra $100 to fly to Indiana and visit my college teammate who recently held an engagement party. It is rare we get together anymore and everyone is scattered across the country. We laughed all night and caught up with my old coach, teammates and friends. Absolutely priceless.
What is one book that you recommend our audience should read and why?
Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer. She dives into the mental approach to life through a Christian perspective and it really changed my life and continues to help me. It is a must-read for anyone who wants to be better with their thoughts.
What is your favorite quote?
Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop the picture… Do not build up obstacles in your imagination. – Normal Vincent Peale
What local businesses and local nonprofits would you recommend our readers support?
Our Etsy Shop (House Finch Entertainment), De La Ink tattoo shop, Jenny Penman The Adventurous Agent
What 3 (only) items would you bring to a deserted island?
My blanket, a photo of my family and a keg of Avalanche.
Where are your favorite 5 spots in Colorado and what destination is next on your wishlist?
Red Rocks Amphitheater
The Pool at Contour 39
Top Golf in Centennial
Butler Gulch Trail
My next destination is Aspen and Telluride