Heather was born in Dallas, Texas where she lived with her family. She spent summers in Cape Cod till her parents moved the family to Colorado Springs in 2001. Heather was homeschooled throughout her school age years and graduated in 2009. Shortly after moving to Colorado, her parents offered for her to start horseback riding lessons and then she fell in love with the sport. At the age of 11, she got her first horse as a birthday present. She became an avid horsewomen competing nationally.
What makes you stand out from the crowd? This can be a talent, life-experience, unique hobby.

I became very skilled at speed events in her horseback riding community. I went on to compete in the World Show located in Fort Worth, Texas and walked away with the title of World Champion at the age of 19. Over the years I maintained my love of all things equine and remain an integral part of the horse community in and around Colorado Springs.
What is one experience that has shaped you to be the person you are today, and what advice would you give your younger self?
Only a few weeks after returning from competition at the World Show, I was riding in a roping event at my local saddle club when my horse tripped on loose dirt and I was thrown off. I suffered extensive injury to my head and was rushed to the hospital with fluid filling up my lungs, a swelling brain, and my kidneys beginning to fail. I was placed in a medically induced coma for 6 weeks, after which I needed to learn how to speak, eat, and walk again. However, enduring this traumatic experience did nothing to diminish my love of horses, and competing, and I have used it as inspiration for overcoming obstacles and constantly being grateful for the second chance I was given.
What is your most memorable childhood experience? (This can be good or bad)
I am absolutely smitten with cats. This fascination came about after I was gifted my very first kitten by my mother at the age of 5. My mom practically drove across the entire state of Massachusetts in her efforts to find me a cute, orange kitten. She now proudly proclaims to anyone that will listen that I have 4 cats and that at least one will always need to be orange.
What is the biggest challenge you have ever faced and how did you overcome it
The biggest challenge I ever needed to overcome was recovering after my accident. Many of my friends in the horse community assumed that I would never be able to, or want, to ride horses again. However, through sheer determination I forced myself to excel at physical therapy and asked my doctor every day when I would be ready to ride again. I was even visited by my barrel horse, Annie, while I was still in a wheel chair at the hospital.

What is the best $100 you recently spent? On what and why? (personal or professional)
The thing I was most excited to spend $100 on was when with my husband we reserved his dream car: a Tesla Model 3 Performance. It was something he had been waiting on for quite a while, so I was incredibly excited that we could finally get him one, together.
What is one book that you recommend our audience should read and why?
The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. It is incredibly motivational and inspirational, and is chock full of valuable life lessons that everyone can benefit from.
What is your favorite quote?
“Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly.”
What local businesses and local nonprofits would you recommend our readers support?
Ledom’s Diesel Repair, Black Forest Saddle Club, Latigo Trails Equestrian Center, and Equiline Tack
What 3 (only) items would you bring to a deserted island?

My husband,
our animals,
and my iPad
Where are your favorite 5 spots in Colorado and what destination is next on your wishlist?
- Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
- Red Rocks
- Black Forest Saddle Club
- The Pepper Tree
- Krispy Kreme
Next: Sand Dunes