Sondra Calhoun is a native Texan who moved to Colorado as fast as she could, about 22 years ago. She is an avid outdoor enthusiast which is reflected in her many miles of hiking, skiing, fishing, and camping. As an executive coach and organizational consultant, she loves working with the many talented leaders and growing organizations in Colorado. She finds the hometown feel with the cutting edge entrepreneurial and fast moving tech company influences here on the front range exciting.
What makes you stand out from the crowd? This can be a talent, life-experience, unique hobby.
I absolutely love going to new places and experiencing what it is like to actually immerse into the culture. I’m not afraid to venture off of the tourist trail and explore the world of the local community, eating their unique food, attempting to converse in their native language, and even living in their homes.
What is one experience that has shaped you to be the person you are today, and what advice would you give your younger self?

I was fortunate to manage a corporate experiential ropes course for about 5 years where many people from a variety of companies and organizations came out to push themselves outside of their comfort zone. Though I have done that a bit for myself, I would tell my younger self to go even bolder. I would advise myself to not say no to any unique opportunity to explore and get outside of my comfort zone, especially if it was really scary.
What is your most memorable childhood experience? (This can be good or bad)
Growing up at a camp where my parents were on staff. I practically lived at the barn playing with the horse, goats, rabbits, and other animals. I felt like I lived at a resort with my own swimming pool, tennis courts, lake, and continual flow of new and interesting people.

What is the biggest challenge you have ever faced and how did you overcome it?
One of my biggest challenges was when we moved from a metropolitan city to a small rural town in southern Colorado that didn’t even have a 24 hour Walmart. I had a successful career there and family close by. We had 3 small children and I knew no one in this town. There were about 5 houses to choose from and all were dated to the 60’s. My husband was gone a lot for his job and many times I felt like a single mom. I overcame it by choosing to engage in the community right away by coaching my sons soccer team. After two years I became the regional soccer commissioner. I also began consulting local business on effective customer service and other business strategies. In other words, I dove straight in and found my people.
What is the best $100 you recently spent? On what and why? (personal or professional)
Dinner out with my son who is starting naval pilot training in Florida. I was fortunate to go visit him as he was settling in to his new home. Not knowing when I will see him next, it was a great opportunity to share with him how proud I am off the man he has become and encourage him as he takes this huge step in his future and career.
What is one book that you recommend our audience should read and why?
I loved reading Simon Sinek’s “The Infinite Game’. It is a great reminder of how important it is to stay on mission both professionally and personally with the reason you started your business or chose the life path you did. It’s really about reminding your self of the calling you received at the beginning of the journey your now on. That’s not to say that you can’t start a new journey, but while you are engaged in this one you should stay true to the mission.
What is your favorite quote?
Your life is a one of a kind journey that only you get to walk.
What local businesses and local nonprofits would you recommend our readers support?
COSIlove you, Mary’s Home, Springs Rescue Mission, The Perk Downtown, Loyal Coffee, The Buttermilk Cafe
What 3 (only) items would you bring to a deserted island?
Water, a really good historical fiction book, a fishing pole
Where are your favorite 5 spots in Colorado and what destination is next on your wishlist?
My 5 favorite spots – Durango, Sand Dunes National Park, Lake City, Mesa Verde, Twin Lakes
Next destination – Devils Canyon